DisCal - About

Invite To Your Discord Server
Seen enough of this amazing bot? Add it to your discord server by clicking
the button below, or the "invite" button in the top navigation bar.
Once you add DisCal, check out the "Setup" page for more info on configuring
the bot!
Need to see more to convince you? Scroll down the page! You'l learn just how useful DisCal really is and why you need it!

DisCal is designed to be intuitive and powerful.
Discal uses simple to understand commands. With a customizable prefix,
ability to mention DisCal directly,
and more DisCal's command system is designed for users in mind.
Because of this, DisCal has a ton of commands that allow you to fully
utilize it! View all of the documentation on the commands
for DisCal by clicking the button below!

Official Support Server
If DisCal was meant to be useful, so are we! Join our official DisCal
Discord server for extra info and help.
Need help with something? Visit our support channel!
Want to request a feature we somehow didn't think to add? Send us a message
in our feature request channel!
Just want to be part of the amazing community using this Bot?
Join the discord!

Source Code
DisCal was built upon open source APIs. It wouldn't be fair if we didn't
open source DisCal.
All of the source code behind this amazing bot can be found on the GitHub
repo linked below!
We encourage those who can to fork the repository and help code DisCal!
We are community driven and really love any help we can get.
Even just a simple typo fix.
And of course, we will credit you with the changes and even give you a
special contributor role!!!

Become a Patron Today!
DisCal is developed freely, open source, and completely unlimited.
However, we still need to support ourselves.
Rather than making DisCal limited for free users, we decided to open a
patreon, by becoming a patron you help support and fund the further
development and support for DisCal. Please consider becoming a patron!
By becoming a patron, you not only support us and DisCal's development, but will get exclusive access to features early before anyone else!

Developer API
With DisCal growing everyday, we decided that a developer API should exist.
So, that's exactly what we did!
We have built a fully RESTful API into DisCal for you to hook into!
Use it for your bots, websites, apps, and more!
Simply check out the API documentation and learn how you can easily use
DisCal in your projects!