DisCal - Commands

DisCal uses a simple-to-understand permission scheme for handling access to commands.

Requires ADMINISTRATOR or MANAGE_SERVER permission or guild owner
Requires discal control role (default control role is @everyone)
Everyone will be able to access (unless commands are disabled in the channel)
Requires guild to be a patron-guild at the early access tier
Only discal developers are able to use this command

/calendar commands

/calendar Commands
Command Description Usage Access
create Starts calendar Wizard /cal create [name] (desc) (tz) (host) elevated
name Sets calendar's name /cal name [name] elevated
description Sets calendar's description /cal description [desc] elevated
timezone Sets calendar's timezone /cal timezone [tz] elevated
review Displays calendar properties /cal review elevated
confirm Commits the changes made in the wizard /cal confirm elevated
cancel Cancels the wizard /cal cancel elevated
delete Deletes the calendar /cal delete elevated
edit Starts calendar edit wizard /cal edit elevated

/displaycal commands

/displaycal Commands
Command Description Usage Access
new Create a new auto-updating calendar overview message /displaycal new (time) (calendar) elevated
update Updates an existing calendar overview /displaycal update [message-id] elevated

/event commands

/event Commands
Command Description Usage Access
view Displays an event's details /event view [event-id] (calendar) everyone
create Starts event wizard /event create (name) (description) (location) (calendar) privileged
name Sets the event's name /event name [name] privileged
description Sets the event's description /event description [desc] privileged
start Sets the event's start /event start [yyyy] [MM] [dd] (hh) (mm) privileged
end Sets the event's end /event end [yyyy] [MM] [dd] (hh) (mm) privileged
color Sets the event's Color /event color [color] privileged
location Sets the event's location /event location [location] privileged
image Sets the event's image /event image [link] privileged, gif support patron-only
recur Toggles whether the event recurs /event recur (enable) (freq) (interval) (count) privileged
review Displays event properties /event review privileged
confirm Commits changes made in the wizard /event confirm privileged
cancel Cancels the wizard /event cancel privileged
edit Starts event edit wizard /event edit [event-id] (calendar) privileged
copy Copies an existing event's details to new event /event copy [event-id] (calendar) (target) privileged
delete Deletes an event /event delete [event-id] (calendar) privileged

/events command

/events Commands
Command Description Usage Access
upcoming Lists the next X upcoming events /events upcoming [number] (calendar) everyone
ongoing Lists the currently ongoing events /events ongoing (calendar) everyone
today Lists the events occurring in the next 24 hours /events today (calendar) everyone
range Lists the events found in the date range provided /events range [yyyy/MM/dd] [yyyy/MM/dd] (calendar) everyone

/rsvp commands

RSVP Commands
Command Description Usage Access
ontime RSVPs as going to the event on time /rsvp ontime [event-id] (calendar) everyone
late RSVPs as going to the event, but arriving late /rsvp late [event-id] (calendar) everyone
not RSVPs as not going to the event /rsvp not-going [event-id] (calendar) everyone
unsure RSVPs as unsure if you will be able to attend /rsvp unsure [event-id] (calendar) everyone
remove Removes your RSVP status from the event /rsvp remove [event-id] (calendar) everyone
list Lists who has RSVPed to the event /rsvp list [event-id] (calendar) everyone
limit Sets the max number of people allowed to attend. -1 to disable the limit. /rsvp limit [event-id] [limit] (calendar) privileged
role Sets the role assigned when RSVPed to the event. "@everyone" to disable *Note: these roles are currently not automatically removed. /rsvp role [event-id] [role] (calendar) elevated, patron-only

/announcement commands

Announcement Commands
Command Description Usage Access
create Starts the announcement create wizard /announcement create (type) (channel) (minutes) (hours) (calendar) privileged
type Sets the announcement type. Valid types: UNIVERSAL, SPECIFIC, COLOR, RECUR /announcement type [type] privileged
event Sets the announcement's event. Only needed when using SPECIFIC or RECUR types. /announcement event [event-id] privileged
color Sets the announcement's color. Only needed when using COLOR type. /announcement color [color] privileged
channel Set's the channel it will be posted to /announcement channel [channel] privileged
minutes Sets the minutes before the event to announce. Added to hours /announcement minutes [number] privileged
hours Sets the hours before the event to announce. Added to minutes /announcement hours [number] privileged
info Sets the additional info to be posted along with the event. No text input to remove. /announcement info (text) privileged
calendar Sets the calendar the announcement will read from /announcement calendar [calendar] privileged
public Toggles if the announcement should be cross-posted /announcement publish [true/false] privileged, patron-only
review Displays announcement properties /announcement review privileged
confirm Commits the changes made in the wizard /announcement confirm privileged
cancel Cancels the announcement wizard /announcement cancel privileged
edit Starts the announcement editor /announcement edit [id] (calendar) privileged
copy Copies an existing announcement to a new one /announcement copy [id] (calendar) (target) privileged
delete Deletes an announcement /announcement delete [id] (calendar) privileged
enable Sets whether an announcement is enabled /announcement enable [id] [true/false] (calendar) privileged
view Displays an announcement's properties /announcement view [id] (calendar) everyone
list Lists announcements, -1 for all /announcement list [amount] (calendar) everyone
subscribe Subscribes to an announcement to be pinged /announcement subscribe [id] (user/role) (calendar) everyone
unsubscribe Unsubscribes to an announcement to be pinged /announcement unsubscribe [id] (user/role) (calendar) everyone

/settings command

/settings Commands
Command Description Usage Access
view Displays the current settings for the bot in the guild /settings view elevated
role Sets the role required to use privileged commands /settings role [role] elevated
announcement-style Changes what style announcements will be posted as /settings announcement-style [style] elevated
language Changes what language the bot will use in responses /settings language [lang] elevated
time-format Change what format to display date/time when needed /settings time-format [format] elevated
branding Toggles between using discal branding or the guild's name/image where possible /settings branding [true/false] elevated, patron-only

All Other Commands

Other Commands
Command Description Usage Access
discal Displays information about the bot /discal everyone
linkcal Provides info and a link to the Guild's Calendar /linkcal (calendar) everyone
time Displays the current time as seen by the calendar's timezone /time (calendar) everyone
addCal Starts the process to add a pre-existing calendar !addCal (calendar-id) elevated, patron-only
help Links to the commands page /help everyone